Our methodology aims to give people the support and help they need to be able to break away from violence and take the step towards freedom. We always have one word with us in everything we do: Respect
In cooperation with us, our customers achieve several business results. In addition, our customers actively contribute to the UN's global goals: Goal number 3 Good health and well-being, Goal number 5 Equality, Goal number 8 Decent working conditions and economic growth and Goal number 16 Peaceful and inclusive societies. Today, several of our customers have started to report according to CSRD with the help of Change Collective's activities and efforts.

"I realized a few years ago that the help given to people exposed to domestic abuse is inadequate. Domestic violence is a public health issue and has an extensive negative impact on workplaces. Basically, every business is affected in some way.
Much has been said and much has been promised. Not much has been done preventively. We are changing this.
I am proud to be part of a team and network that has rolled up its sleeves and is working passionately and focused towards changing more and more life stories, improving operations and ultimately strengthening our shared communities.
We give our customers results, not just talk."
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear" Mark Twain
Iwette Rapoport CEO/Founder

About us
We are a group of people with a unique skill mix who contribute to a better tomorrow for individuals who are exposed to violence in intimate relationships by their partners, stalking by a known or unknown actor or harassment or bullying in the workplace.
We improve people's lives, businesses' profit and loss accounts and, further down the road, our common society.
Our solutions are easy to work with for businesses regardless of the number of employees.
Our way of working is structured, efficient and measurable. We have references that you can contact if you are considering a collaboration. Our customers are found in the business world, authorities, state enterprises and academia.
Overall solution
We work preventively and in early phases and have several reactive support programs to choose from.
All our solutions have been developed together with our customers, practitioners and the most important group, previously exposed to intimate partner violence.
Our customers achieve better productivity, improved talent management in the sense of retaining and developing their employees, cost savings and their operations become health promoting. In the long term, our client companies achieve a sustainable culture.
If you work with us, results are created, not just talk.