Services occupational health care
Occupational health plays a critical role in addressing and early intervention in domestic violence and related problem areas. While the issue is not directly work-related, it significantly impacts the workplace and constitutes a major hidden cause of psychosocial health problems.
Therefore, it is a clear responsibility for the occupational health to both develop and maintain necessary knowledge in the field of domestic violence and its integrated role in psychosocial health. This involves strengthening the knowledge of affiliated companies and guiding those affected, steering them towards the right support interventions when needed.
Together with us at Change Collective, your specialized resource, we can act as an integrated part in knowledge dissemination and support interventions.
Through this societal effort, which we undertake together with companies, we can also demand more contributions from our society.
Our goal is to work towards a zero vision. There should not be a need for more protective shelters, and ultimately, we should not need any at all.
Specially developed and validated questions in partnership with HPI, as an additional supplement to the employee survey. The purpose is to make the individual, with the support of licensed personnel from occupational health, aware of domestic violence as a hidden, integrated part of their own mental well-being. Personal identification increases motivation to take action in one's own situation.
We support you in developing your internal guidelines in how to act after learning about a patient being abused by their partner. For your personnel to know what happens next is crucial.
Lectures and webinars
Training programs for your occupational health in the form of on-site training sessions and webinars, targeting both general audiences and those working directly with your company clients, including those in sales and in daily occupational health work.
When we have an integrated process we are able to help you with support programs. We work, among other things, with psychoeducational conversations about trauma, stress, and the process of normalization. At the same time, we strengthen and secure the current situation and work with future living conditions. Our programs are founded on the © Change Collective method with documented success. In workplace-oriented rehabilitation, we offer medical assessment and evaluation. We can also assist with medical treatment and provide further guidance within the healthcare system.
Change Collective is a support in the daily work of your occupational health when domestic violence is relevant. Examples where guidance is used include:
Providing feedback on a survey to a patient.
When there is suspicion that an employee is affected or when it has been confirmed.
How do I conduct the next health interview when I have a strong suspicion?